Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 347.998.4

© Veretennikov N.N., 2010

Structure of Court-Martial. Manner of Appointment According to the Military Court Statute of 1876

In the article the manner of appointment of military judges in various military juridical instances according to the Military Court Statute of 1876 is considered. The analysis of legal regulation of appointment of military judges and the peculiarities of their manning is presented.

Keywords: regimental court-martial, military district court, Chief Court-Martial, military judge, legal procedure, appointment, law


1.         Volodimirov V. M. Rukovodstvo k izucheniyu Voenno-sudebnogo ustava. SPb., 1896.
2.         St. 17 Voenno-sudebnogo ustava (XXIV kn. Sv. Voen. Postan. 1869 goda) (iz-danie 4-e) (sost. N. Martynov). Varshava, 1879.
3.         St. 15. Tam zhe.
4.         Hitrovo N. P. Russkiy voenno-ugolovnyy protsess. Ego vozmozhnaya reorgani-zatsiya i vozmozhnaya reorganizatsiya voennoy yustitsii i voenno-yuridicheskoy akade-mii. M., 1900.
5.         St. 144. Tam zhe.
6.         St. 47. Tam zhe.
7.         St.St.35 i 54. Tam zhe.
8.         St.146. Tam zhe.
9.         St.1202. Tam zhe.
10.       St.1210. Tam zhe.
11.       St.78. Tam zhe.

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