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UDC 321.051(091)

© Zheltov V.V., Resnyanskaya O.S., 2010

Evolution of Views on the Theory of Partition of the Powers in the Russian Political Science

In Russia the evolution of views on the theory of partition of the powers was a three-stage process. The first stage lasted from the second part of the XVIII century till the beginning of the XX century and was characterized by great interest to the theory of partition of the powers and by attempts of researches to adopt a respective principle to the Russian reality. During the second stage, which lasted from 1918 till the end of 1980 under conditions of the absolute power of the Soviets and the party, the principle of partition of the powers was denied. At the third stage, which has begun at the turn the 1980–1990ths and continues till present time, scientists have again initiated a study of partition of the powers as a principle, which ensures efficient operation of the state machinery.

Keywords: theory of partition of the powers, legislative power, executive power, juridical power, constitutional monarchy, parliament


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