UDC 537.862
© Khvalin A.L., 2010
Dispersion Relations For Layered Ferrite-Bearing Structures in a Rectangular Waveguide
Pieces of a rectangular waveguide with a ferrite film are used in various devices of a microwave range operated by means of an external constant magnetic field. The article deals with the electrodynamic approach in deriving dispersion equation for such a structure with consideration for the domain ferrite morphology. The problem of a rectangular waveguide with a ferrite film of domain morphology has been solved in a general form. Dispersion relations are derived as a set of linear algebraic equations for longitudinal magnetic waves in the region of a two-layered waveguide which contains a thin ferrite layer with one domain with the magnetization tensor (or for the neighboring domain).
Keywords: dispersion relation, magnetic permeability, domain morphology of ferrite, rectangular waveguide with ferrite
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