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UDC 316.344.23:321.21

© Galiullin D. L., Gololobov S. N., 2009

Correlation of Sociological and Statistical Information in the Analysis of Social Stratification Processes (on the Example of Amurkaya Oblast)

In the article the authors consider the problem of obtaining firm data on transition of Russian society to a new system of social stratification, especially in analysis of economic statuses. It is noted that in present-day conditions the character of interaction of sociology and statistics is changing, and therefore understanding this phenomenon (definition of structure of interaction, analysis of its dynamics) is required. Understanding the essence of interaction of sociology and statistics will enable to effect integration of two sciences both at the theoretical level, and at the level of social research practice.

Keywords: minimum size of payment for labor, living standard, economic statuses, social stratification, statistical data, sociological research results


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