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UDC 31.330.16.331.101.3

© Fetisova E. N., Lidzar T. A., 2009

Women Economic Strategies in Conditions of Urban Market

Women make up a considerable part of participants of economic interaction in small-scale business. Their economic and behavioral strategies are more strongly tied up on cultural models, than on legal rules. Gender stereotypes become ap-parent in small-scale business to a greater extent than in large-scale business. Secondly, subdominant position of a woman as an enterprise worker leads to a situation when sexist biases against her are reproduced with a maximum force. Thirdly, women are more inclined not to work out economic strategies but reproduce already existing ones. Studying women business strategies in small-scale enterprise sector will allow to reveal and describe more commonly used ones.

Keywords: gender stereotypes, small business, market, economic strategy


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