Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 621.822.572.001-66

© Ivolgin A. I., 2006

Investigation of the static power characteristics of the flat closed hydraulic bearings with the displaced adjustment at capillary – throttle control

The author investigates the simultaneous influence of adjusting the hydraulic pressure and the displaced adjustment of a mobile link of the flat closed hydraulic bearings for their static power characteristics at capillary – throttle control. He offers. the original scheme of constructive calculations of the locked hydrostatic bearings.


  1. Rippel H. C. Design of Hydrostatic bearings. Part 6. Machine design, 1963, Oktober 10.
  2. Levit G. A., Lur`e B. G. Raschet gidrostaticheskikh nezamknutykh napravlyayushchikh // Stanki i instrument. 1963. ¹ 10.
  3. Rippel H. C. Design of Hydrostatic bearings. Part 3. Machine design, 1963, August 29.
  4. Ivolgin A. I. Tokarno-revol`vernyy odnoshpindel`nyy prutkovyy avtomat mod. 1G140P // Stanki i instrument. 1985. ¹ 6.

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