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UDC 338.242:728.1

© Zausaev V. K., Chepegin N. V., 2008

Problems and Prospects of Increase of Private Dwelling Affordability in Khabarovsky Krai

The problems of increase of private dwelling affordability in Khaba-rovsky Krai are considered in the article. On the basis of public surveys of 2005-2007 in Khabarovsk and rural areas of Khabarovsky Krai the opportunities and prospects for development of residential construction, a role of mortgage lending have been revealed. The concept of intensification of residential construction in Khabarovsky Krai, as well as basic directions of building industry development have been formulated.


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  4. Stroitel`stvo v Habarovskom krae : Stat. sb. Habarovsk, 2007.
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