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UDC 008

© Brener I.S., 2010

Role and Influence of Sholom-Aleykhem in Culture and Art Development in Birobidzchan

Last year the 150-year of the birth of Jewish peoples writer Sholom-Aleykhem was celebrated all over the world. In spite of the fact that the writer had never been to Birobidzhan, the capital of Jewish autonomous region, his name is known by every man of this city. This became possible because first Jewish migrants arrived to build and live on this land had brought a part of soul of Sholom-Aleykhem, his understanding of the meaning of life and his books, in which the humor and tears make oneself to think about the meaning of life. Birobidzhan can be truly named the city, where the spirit of Sholom-Aleykhem lives in each house.

Keywords: culture, art, Birobidzhan


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