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UDC 338.242

© Magdanov P. V., 2009

The Problems and Sphere of Application of Financial Goals in Strategic Planning Process

The process of planning, particularly financial planning, is curried out on the basis of managerial decisions, fixed proportions of economic progress and assigned criteria of verity. Systems of goals and plans are foundation for evaluation of estimated finance results. However, owners and top managers often exclusively operate with financial goals in terms of proceeds, net profit, and profitability of operations. Frequently an attempt to realize this vision results in making decisions that are destructive for business partners, on the one hand, and for final consumers, on the other hand.

Keywords: financial goals, strategic planning


  1. Bain & Company. Management Tools and Trends, 2007.
  2. Hamel G. Leading the Revolution. Boston, 2000.
  3. Financial Goals and Strategic Consequences / G. Donaldson // Harvard Business Review, 1985. May-June.

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