Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 159: 316.6 (076.5)

© Sushko N. G., 2009

Concealed Social Orphenhood as a Social and Psychological Phenomenon

Concealed social orphenhood is a quite prevalent social phenomenon. It is determined by many factors both economic and socio-psychological ones. Concealed social orphenhood influences negatively the development of a child personality. Psychological consequences of the given negative phenomenon are as follows: increased anxiety of a child, intensity, physical overfatigue, lack of need to achieve success, high level of aggressiveness, distrustfulness, irascibility, apathy, depression, etc.

Keywords: orphanhood, social orphenhood, concealed social orphenhood, unfortunate family, personality socialization of the individual, destructive behavior, indemnity, transfer


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