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UDC 577.4

© Mayorova L. P., Mishchenko O. A., 2009

The Assessment of Ecological Compatibility of Technological Processes

The paper suggests the integral criterion taking into account substance aggressiveness, possibility of accumulation of polluting substances in natural environment components, impact on different recipients as well as prevalence and quality of the used resource. The information data is based on ecological and statistical reports of enterprises. Amendments included into the criterion of ecological compatibility of technological processes are determined on the basis of normative documents and expert judgments.

Keywords: economy, ecology, waste, chops, emissions, recipient, criterion of ecological compatibility, summation effect, ecological and economical development, substance aggressiveness, class of risk, technological process, man-caused type of development


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  2. Rybalov A. A. Kachestvo okruzhayushchey sredy: metodicheskie podkhody k otsenke: obzornaya informatsiya // Ekologicheskaya ekspertiza. M., 2001. ¹ 1.

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