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UDC 342.1

© Blyaher L. E., 2005

The dialog of business and power: its not to be a bargain or recreation of culpability presumption

The subject of the paper is the formation of democratic institutions in Russia as a domestic Russian innovation. Traditional approach suggests a deductive postulation of a certain aggregation of features the presence or the absence of which allows one to state, respectively, the presence or the absence of democracy in the given country. In fact, such procedure often leaves out the investigators point of view on real political processes by which the given configuration of political institutions and the given understanding of democracy is determined. Turning to the analysis of empirical material for the sake of substantiation the author tries to show the political role played by “democratic myth” in the course of the interaction of the power and society in contemporary Russia. It is “presumption of guiltiness” of society towards the power that presents the basis for reinterpreting the function of “classical” democratic institutions in the society in question. The author shows in what way the so-called “presumption of guiltiness” is being built into the Russian variant of the democratic institutional design determining its structure.


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