Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 338.48

© Rukosueva I. S., 2006

Trends of home tourism developing

Home tourism is an effective mechanism of keeping the country’s population fit. The health of the nation is the matter of the State importance. A true rise in the home tourism will not take place without accurate planning of the government policy in this sphere. The perspective of preservation and development of home tourism in the country is determined by the necessity of introducing the mechanism of the State support with the main strategic aim of maintaining home tourism by special government protectionist measures.


  1. Aleksandrova A. YU. Mezhdunarodnyy turizm: Uchebnik. M., 2002.
  2. Rossiyskiy turisticheskiy byulleten`. M., 1997. ¹ 2.
  3. Turisticheskiy biznes. 2004. ¹ 9-11.
  4. Turisticheskiy biznes. 2005. ¹ 5.
  5. Turisticheskiy biznes. 2006. ¹ 2.

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