Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 330.101.541(075)

© Zolotarchuk V. V., 2007

Introduction to the theory of inflation

For the first time fragments of the educational text from the textbook preparing for the edition on macroeconomic in a series «Textbooks of the TOGU» are presented. Initial information on inflation as is supplied by one of key macroeconomic problems, the factors causing dynamics of inflationary process are considered.


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  3. Leyard R. Makroekonomika. Kurs lektsiy dlya rossiyskikh chitateley. M., 1994.
  4. Moiseev S. Istoriya odnogo "besplatnogo zavtraka" // Voprosy ekonomiki. 2006. ¹ 10.
  5. Saks Dzh. D., Larren F. B. Makroekonomika. Global`nyy podkhod: Per. s angl. M., 1996.
  6. Fridman M. Kolichestvennaya teoriya deneg: Per. s angl. M., 1996.

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