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UDC 802:37

© Morozova A. Yu., 2007

The problems of morphologic analysis in the English language

There are some problems of morphologic analysis in modern English. In the article we will try to cover some disputable issues. Certain clusters can be hardly classified as morphemes and we consider pseudo-morphemes, unique roots, semi-affixes. Conversion and word-composition are also problems of morphologic analysis.


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  2. Marchand H. Livres doccasion. Paris, 1981.
  3. Lopatin V. V. Pravila russkoy orfografii i punktuatsii: Polnyy akademicheskiy spravochnik. M., 2006.
  4. Dokulil M. YAzykoznanie v Chekhoslovakii. M., 1978.
  5. Kubryakova E. S. Morfema i problemy tipologii. M., 1991.

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