Pacific national university Main page Bulletin of Pacific national university

UDC 316.35 – 054.7:331.556

© Stroyeva G. N., 2007

Simulating adaptation behaviour of Chinese migrants

The article deals with the problems of adaptation of the Chinese migrants in Russia. Certain sociological research defined 2 groups that differ in their adaptation strategies. The first group includes those who strive for prolonged living in Russia and integrating into the Russian society. The second group is characterized by reluctance to change traditional forms of community and cultural values in new conditions. Those migrants consider Russia as a temporary place for realizing their economical interests.


  1. Levin Z. I. Mentalitet diaspory. M., 2001.
  2. Motrich E. L. Naselenie Dal`nego Vostoka Rossii. Vladivostok; Habarovsk.

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