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UDC 621.822.572.001-66

© Ivolgin A. I., Skarlykina O. I., 2008

Determination of power characteristics of flat closed hydrostatic bearings at throttle control

A simultaneous impact of an adjusting hydraulic pressure and a shifted adjustment of a mobile link of flat hydraulic bearings on their static characteristics at throttle control are investigated. A specific scheme for constructive design of flat closed hydrostatic bearings is proposed.


  1. Ivolgin A. I. Opredelenie silovykh kharakteristik ploskikh zamknutykh gidrostaticheskikh opor s ispol`zovaniem faktora smeshchennoy nastroyki pri kapillyarno-drossel`nom regulirovanii // Vestnik TOGU. 2006. ¹ 2.
  2. Rippel H. C. Design of Hydrostatic bearings. Part 6. Machine design, 1963, Oktober 10.
  3. Levit G. A., Lur`e B. G. Raschet gidrostaticheskikh nezamknutykh napravlyayushchikh // Stanki i instrument. 1963. ¹ 10.
  4. Rippel H. C. Design of Hydrostatic bearings. Part 3. Machine design, 1963, August 29. 

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