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UDC 656.13.054/056

© Pugachev I. N., Kulikov Yu. I., 2008

System control of transport activity in the Russian Federation

Transport was and has been the infrastructure basis for the growth of national economy, the way of the decision-making for many societal and economic problems. This leads us to view the transport challenges in other way and propose solutions to the problems at hand through the system changes to the current transport legislation.


  1. Kulikov YU. I. Avtomobil`nyy transport v transportnoy sisteme Rossii. Habarovsk, 2007.
  2. Pugachiov I. N., SHpakov V. N. Problemy razvitiya avtomobil`nogo transporta i dorozhnoy sostavlyayushchey transportnoy sistemy Rossii - problemy bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya // Perspektivy i napravleniya razvitiya transportnoy sistemy. Samara, 2007. (Izv. Samar. nauch. tsentra RAN).
  3. Pugachiov I. N., Lopashuk V. V. O problemakh razvitiya i funktsionirovaniya ulichno-dorozhnykh setey gorodov Dal`nego Vostoka // Sotsial`no-ekonomicheskie problemy razvitiya transportnykh sistem gorodov i zon ikh vliyaniya. Ekaterinburg, 2007.

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